HR vinjeta - Ako na to???

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HR vinjeta - Ako na to???

Příspěvekod Tajomníček » stř črc 12, 2006 2:46 pm

Prosím o radu:
Chcem ís? do Chorvátska s otvoreným mot. člnom dĺ?ky 4,7m a 30hp. Aké doklady treba, aby mi predali vinjetu? Čln je registrovaný na ?PS, či?e má lodné osvedčenie aj medzinárodné (ale tieto sú len na vnútrozemské vody), plus má poistenie zodpovednosti za ?kodu (tzv. Blue card). Tu mám problém, lebo mám info, ?e čln by mal by? registrovaný aj v námornom registri, a zase z druhej strany, ?e to nie je potrebné. Teraz neviem, či ho tam mám nahlási? alebo nie. Má niekto osobné skúsenosti ako to funguje? E?te ako je to s crew listom? Treba ho aj na čln bez kajuty? Ď.
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Re: HR vinjeta - Ako na to???

Příspěvekod AdsBot [Google] » stř črc 12, 2006 8:52 pm

Tak ako to má? to je dobre. Dôle?ité je, aby bolo to osvedčenie pomerne nové, teda č. lode sa musí začína? písmenami SK. Mám to tak isto ako ty, loď je zapísaná v lodnom registri. Pre tvoj klud v du?i, v normálnej časti EU sa malé plavidlá nezapisujú do lodného registra, ale evidujú ich buď yacht kluby, alebo iné spoločenské organizácie, v Nemecku napr. ADAC.
Ten slávny list posade treba aj pre otvorené člny. Ak trafí? na kapitanáte na buzeranta, tak bude od teba chcie? aj belu kartu, alebo potvrd?u o zaplatení boravi?na taxe, vystavuje to miestna turistická agentúra ak si na priváte, alebo hotel. Prajem peknú dovolenku a aby motor ?lapal ako hodinky, má? aj náhradný prívesák? Ahoj
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Příspěvekod Tajomníček » čtv črc 13, 2006 12:10 pm

Dík za odpoveď. Som rád, ?e to nie je a? tak zlé ako som si myslel. Mám číslo čo začína SK. Info, ?e čln netreba registrova? v nám. registri je vežmi pote?ujúca. Dúfam, ?e na buzeranta nenatrafím. Idem na ostrov dugi otok, kam údajne chodí turistov pomenej a je tam pobočka kapitanátu a dúfam, ?e si tam turistov vá?ia a dajú s tým potrvdením o pobyte pokoj. Ak nie tak tam sa budem musie? podriadi? byrokratickému ?imlovi a obstara? papier.
Čln je otypovaný pre 6 osôb. Kožko osôb mô?em uvues? do crew listu? Niekde som čítal, ?e dvojnásobok povolených osôb a e?te plus 30%. Vie? prosím aj o tomto viac?
Zálo?ák mám 2,5 hp. S tým veža vody nenamútim, ale doprdím sa kam treba.
E?te jedna otázka. Nemám bimini top, zatiaž som ju tu na SR nepotreboval, lebo s člnom väč?inou na ryby chodím. Myslí?, ?e s septembri ju na mori budem potrebova?? Ja si myslím, ?e áno aby mi na hlavu nesma?ilo, tak rozmý?žam o jej kúpe ale nie som istý.
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Příspěvekod AdsBot [Google] » čtv črc 13, 2006 4:57 pm

Na Dugom otoku v Bo?ave je colný prístav, kde vybavujú yachty prichádzajúce z Talianska, takze to tam asi bude dos? prísne. Mo?e? to skúsi? prihlási? aj v Zadare, kým bude? čaka? na trajekt. Je to taká malá červená budova asi 100 m ďalej od Jadrolínie.
K tým osobám: Počet osob ti určí kapitán podža kategórie lodného osvedčenia - napr ak má? C - do 3 námorných míž od pobre?ia, tak ti dá tu?ím 18 osob, bez ohžadu na dĺ?ku lode a max. počet pasa?ierov. Nemusí? ich vypísa? v?etkých. V?dy, keď niekoho dopí?e?, musí? to ís? da? orazi?.
Inak cez sezónu sa na tieto nálepky vežmi dlho čaká - niekedy aj viac dní - zále?í na ??astí. A ak ti mám poradi?, ak nemá? v poriadku v?etky doklady - námorné osved?enie a register a ide? tam len na 2-3 tý?dne - vyka?li sa na to!!! Ja tam jazdím u? ?tvrtý rok a e?te ma nikto nikdy nezastavil (hoci v?etky papiere v?dy podstivo vybavujem). Ako to sledujem, kontrolujú v?dy iba vač?ie lode a rybárov, na tých malých nikto ani nemrkne.
Jediný problém by si mohol ma? v maríne, kde pýtajú skoro v?dy doklady. Výnimkou sú iba obecné a mesteké prístavíky, kde ide o peniaze a doklady nikoho nezaujímajú.
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Příspěvekod Standa* » čtv črc 13, 2006 5:12 pm

To Tajomníček
Pro získání viněty pro plavbu ve vodách HR tě stačí co má? osvědčení a hlavně zákoné poji?tění. Viněta se delí na dvě části nálepku pro vylepení na loď a seznam osob na palubě který se mů?e po dobu roku měnit má? li schválených 7 osob tak 16 lidí mů?e během roku s tebou cestovat nezapisují se děti 4 nebo 6 let teď přesně nevím těch mů?e? vozit kolik chce? během roku ty tam nepi?.
Crew list nepotřebuje? vyplňovat v případě ?e bydlí? v apartmánu nebo jiném zařízení slou?í pouze pro marínu pro přihlá?ení přítomných osob přespávajících na lodi.
V případě zapsání osob do seznamu viněty budou po tobě chtít jejich čísla cestovních dokladů.
Dělám to tak ?e při prvním vypsání viněty tam napí?u rovnou v?echny lidi kteří se mnou mohou děhem roku jezdit a zatím jsem to nemusel doplňovat.
Jinak mne zatím také nikdo nekontroloval ahoj Standa
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Příspěvekod AdsBot [Google] » pát črc 14, 2006 3:35 pm

Ďakujem za rady.
Rad?ej sa budem registrova? (taký poctivý som :wink: ), lebo aj ryby chcem chyta? tak pre istotu.
Na ministerstve dopravy HR som na?iel nasledujúci dokument a ten popisuje v?etko čo treba k vydaniu nálepky a ako vidíte tie? sa tu pí?e, ?e otvorené člny, ktoré nie sú uspôsobené na prenocovanie, nepotrebujú crew list. (za mojou odpoveďou je celé znenie)
Tak a u? som z toho v?etkého jeleň :mrgreen: .
Va?e rady a usmernenie ministerstva, mi v?ak hovoria, ?e mám v?etky potrebné doklady k registrácii v poriadku, tak hurá na výlet.

-in accordance with regulation amendments-
March 2005
Dear Yachtsmen,
Welcome to the Internal Waters and Territorial Sea of the Republic of Croatia!
With this Guidelines we wish to familiarize you with our new regulation and its implementation making your stay safer and more pleasant.
Having in mind your further needs, the Republic of Croatia developed the Amendments to the Ordinance on the requirements for the arrival and stay of foreign yachts and boats designed for sport and pleasure in the internal waters and the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia included in this Guidelines.
The master or skipper of the foreign yacht or boat (hereinafter referred as ?craft?)
entering the Republic of Croatia by sea is obliged to use the shortest way to enter the closest port open to international traffic for the purpose of passing the immigration office control and obtain a vignette from the Harbourmaster?s Office or its Branch Office.
The master or skipper of the foreign craft that has been transported into the Republic
of Croatia by land or which has been placed in custody of a port or is located at any other
approved place in Croatia for safekeeping is obligated to obtain a vignette from the
Harbourmaster?s Office or its Branch Office prior to departure from port.
Harbourmaster?s Office/Branch Office shall issue the vignette on the bases of
following documentation the master/skipper is due to provide:
1. Crew List which includes crew and passengers, to be endorsed by Harbourmaster?s Office or its Branch Office;
If the master/skipper of the craft does not intend to exchange crew or passengers during the stay of the craft in Croatia and during the validity of the vignette, he does not have further reporting obligations to Harbourmaster?s Office or its Branch Office. Master or skipper
of the craft may disembark the crew or passengers in Croatia providing that relevant report has been submitted to Harbourmaster?s Office/Branch Office and providing that the craft has left Croatian sea waters with crew and passengers reported as above.
2. List of Persons
Yachtsmen may replace crew and passengers during the stay of the craft in Croatia providing the ?List of Persons? has been filled in and submitted to Harbourmaster?s Office or Branch Office upon the entry to nearest port. The number of persons shown on the List of Persons must not exceed doubled total number of persons the craft is designed to carry increased by 30% of the number of persons the craft is designed to carry (i.e. 230% of total number).
The number of persons the craft is allowed to carry is defined in accordance with the
appropriate certificate of the craft issued by the competent flag state administration; in case of absence of such certificate the number of persons the craft is allowed to carry shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Boats and Yachts (Official Gazzette ? no.27/2005) and Technical Rules for Statutory Certification of Boats and Yachts.
List of Persons may be filled consecutively provided the person is listed prior to its
embarkment. List of Persons is verified by the vignette counterfoil.
Number of exchanges of persons listed is not limited.
Persons staying on board the craft while in port or on anchorage need not be reported.
3. Evidence of Seaworthiness in accordance with national rules and regulations of the flag
state. In absence of such evidence, Harbourmaster?s Office or Branch Office shall perform
regular technical survey of the craft in accordance with the Regulation on Boats and Yachts;
4. evidence that the master or skipper of the craft holds the required certificate of
competency, in accordance with the regulations of the flag state, other national regulation or in accordance with the relevant regulation of the Republic of Croatia.
Persons which under their national regulations do not need to hold certificate of competency to operate the craft shall obtain appropriate certificate of competency in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Republic of Croatia not later than 01 January 2006;
5. evidence that the craft has been insured against damage caused to third persons for
crafts with propulsion gear power of more than 15 kW;
6. proof of ownership or evidence as to the person who is assigned to use the craft.
With obtaining a vignette you are settling all financial obligations including following
a) Safety of Navigation Fee(under Decree on the Safety of Navigation Fee for Foreign
Yachts and Boats)
b) Light Dues -use of navigational safety objects- (Under tariff of Plovput Ltd-Split)
c) Information Chart (under tariff of Croatian Hydrographical Institute)
d) Government Administration Fee (under Administration Fee Act)
Fee amounts are prescribed by the Decree herewith attached. As you can see, by the Decree
fee amounts are retained in the same range as last year and the discount system for our
traditional guests has also been kept.
Vignette is applied on the visible part of the hull or superstructure of the craft while
vignette counterfoil is affixed on the List of Persons.
Crafts that have obtained the Registration of arrival and stay of foreign yacht
(?permit?) during year 2004 may sail Territorial Sea and Internal Waters for the
duration of its validity.
Documents to be carried on board during navigation are as follows:
- vignette
- endorsed Crew List ( naming persons actually embarked on the craft)
- endorsed List of Persons ( if the persons are to be exchanged during your stay
in Croatia and naming all persons staying on board for the duration of the
- Evidence of Seaworthiness
- evidence that the master or skipper of the craft holds the required certificate
of competency
- evidence that the craft has been insured against damage
- proof of ownership or evidence as to the person who is assigned to use the
This Guidelines derogates previous Guidelines.
All here described measures have been prescribed with the aim of enabling you safer stay in
our seawaters.
For additional information please refer to the following address:
We bid you calm sea and safe sailing and pleasant stay in the Republic of Croatia!
Bo?idar Kalmeta

For the purpose of implementation of the Ordinance on the requirements for
the arrival and stay of Foreign Yachts an boats designed for sport and
pleasure in the internal sea waters and the territorial sea of the Republic of
Croatia, the following additional instructions are issued:
1) Boats which are not provided for over?night stay on board do not need to
have a crew list.
2) Children younger than 12 years of age should not be enlisted in the list of
persons from Item 2 of the Instruction and are therefore not included in the
maximum number of persons (2,3 of the vessel capacity), who can be
exchanged among Croatian ports.
3) The list of persons on vessels coming by seaway should not be submitted
in the occasion of vignette issue, but can also be given later on, when it
comes to crew change in Croatia.
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Příspěvekod Tajomníček » pát črc 14, 2006 3:43 pm

Ten anonym som ja, omyl :shock: .
To standa*
Teraz som si to poriadne prečítal a má? pravdu ?crew list? netreba, musím len ma? ?list of persons?. Tlačivo som u? tie? stiahol z min. dop. HR, tak idem zhána? čísla dokladov, mojich potencionálnych passengers :roll: .
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Po návrate

Příspěvekod Tajomníček » pát zář 29, 2006 12:49 pm

Tak u? mám osobnú skúsenos? aj ja.
V Bo?ave to trvalo asi 5 min. a registrácia bola hotová. Predlo?il som medzinárodné lodné osvedčenie pre vnútrozemské vody, námorný preukaz vodcu rekreačného plavidla, poistku (Blue card), ID card a list of persons + zaplatenie poplatku a úplne bez problému vydali vinetu.
Raz ma pozerali policajti ďalekohžadom ale nepri?li na kontrolu, lebo merali domácim siete na ryby, či majú povolenú vežkos? a ja som im asi nestál za ob?a?ovanie, keď som máčal v mori udice (povolenie na rybolov som samozrejme mal tie?).
E?te raz ďakujem v?etkým za rady.

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