Velká plavba na malé lodi

Kdo kde koho potkal, kam kdo pluje. Kdo se dlouho nehlásí.
Nehody a úspěchy, i neověřené.
POZOR ! Tato sekce není vhodná pro žerty !!!

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Velká plavba na malé lodi

Příspěvekod Tom » sob srp 11, 2007 1:08 pm


[mod="Libor"]Uživatel z nějakého, nám neznámého, důvodu svůj příspěvek smazal[/mod]

Byl zde, mimo jiné, odkaz:
Naposledy upravil(a) Tom dne úte pro 11, 2007 12:22 am, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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Re: Velká plavba na malé lodi

Příspěvekod alffa » sob srp 11, 2007 2:56 pm

Tom píš


Ahoj Tome,
Obrázek je zajímavý. No chtělo by to také nějakou tu zprávu, .................... :?
Zdravím, alffa :)
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Příspěvekod smike » sob srp 11, 2007 3:07 pm

když si proklikneš pod obrázkem dál, jsou tam fotky, popis lodě i videa....
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Příspěvekod alffa » sob srp 11, 2007 3:14 pm

smike píše:když si proklikneš pod obrázkem dál, jsou tam fotky, popis lodě i videa....

Jsem viděl.
Ale zpráva je zpráva, že?
Když už jsme v té sekci, „ZPRÁVY Z VOD DALEKÝCH I DOMÁCÍCH.“.
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Příspěvekod Libor » sob srp 11, 2007 3:38 pm

Já myslím, že za vše hovoří následují text:

Carina and me

My plan and my dream: Around the World with Carina 19 (Time frame: 20 months)

Captain: Áron Méder (International Certificate of Competence for Pleasure Craft, GOC)
Sailing boat: Carina (Carina 19, Length: 6m)
Departure time: 2006. September
Route: Slovenia – Gibraltar – Canaries – Barbados – Panama canel – Galapagos - Polynesia – Fiji – Indonesia – Christmas Island – Seychelles – Adeni gulf – Red Sea – Suez canal- Alexandria – Slovenia

Conception: Alone around the world with the minimum money

It has been my dream and plan for more than 5 years.
I would like to do it as soon as possible.
For over a year I have been now preparing my boat for sailing around the world.

My plan is a tentative plan depending on many changeable circumstances.
I am opened to adjust my plan and its conception based on the conditions.

Sponsor (financial circumstances):
I am not looking for sponsors, but for the supporters, who would assist me in sailing around the world, provide me with ideas, tools and possibly money for this project.

More information
In my home page:
All inquisitives I can provide with a detailed brochure.

Áron Méder
Phone: +36 20 354 3994, +36 1 246 55 34
Address: Regős utca 4. Budapest 1118, Hungray

Áron Méder
Budapest, 20. Aug. 2006

+ Parametry a historie lodě:

Carina 19

Vessel´s name: CARINA
Dispozice lodě:

(Has elongated keel, it helps keep better direction)

Rigging: Sloop

Length: 6 meters (19 feet)

Draft: 1 m

Width: 2.2 m

Mast: 6.42 m

Boom: 2.83 m

Mass: 1.1 metric tons

Material: GFK (sandwich method)

Mainsail, normal: 6.48 m² (~ 70 sq. ft)

Mainsail, storm: 1.62 m² (For 40kt winds 25% of normal mainsail)

Genoa 9.79 m² (~ 105 sq. ft)

Jib 6.77 m²

Storm jib: 1.08 m² (For 50kt winds 15% of normal jib)

My mainsail can be reefed on the boom by rolling, the jib also can be

reefed, plus 2 complete halyard spares for the main, and

one for the jib.

Max. number of persons: 5

Built in 1970 (Switzerland)

Engine: Inboard 2 stroke gasoline (petrol) fuel, (1981).

Type: Yamaha (677 8 B)

Output: 8.8 HP/5.9 kW

Fuel tank: 25 liters + 25 liter in spare tank.

Propeller: fixed, 3 blades

Water tanks: many smaller cans, (20l,15l,5l) all together 300 liters

Speed: Max. theoretical 5.8 knots (computed from the boat’s length)

Jeroen, (Dutch sailor, also a happy Carina owner) measured 7 knot max

speed at the end of April in force 7 winds.

Parameters: Sail area/displacement = SA/D = 14.92; cruising on open sea

Displacement/load line = D/L = 350 - 400, or very heavy tour sailer.

Sail area/wet surface = SA/WSA = 2

I did not detail her other parameters, like Column Plenitude Cp, Wet Surface WS etc…

There are several Carina types in circulation with great differences between them.

I.E: their draft varies between 0.5m and 1m, their mass from 850 kg to 1.1 tons.

Carina’s History:

Built in 1970, Switzerland.

1970 – 86 Probably sailed on a Swiss lake.

The last Swiss owner: Gerber Ueli. Interestingly we were born on the same day, November 16. Gerber in 1952, me in 1979. (More accurately I was born between the 15th and 16th at midnight, so my mother decided: let it be the 15th…)

1986 - 92: Sailed on a Zurich lake in the following Club: http//

1992 – 96: Sailed on Boden Lake

1996 September: transported to Hungary

1999 September: bought by the first owner.

2004 November: I bought it. Rebuilt it outside and inside. The HF will register it around the end of August, then it shall have official papers again after 10 years…

A ship’s important characteristics (from my point of view):

Stability, tendency to capsize

Buoyancy, should be unsinkable (air chambers)

Keel’s size and position, list and recovery capability

Speed and mass, ability to escape from a storm

Leak-proofing, this is mainly important at tack change

Keeping on course by itself

Reefing solutions, quickly and easily

Sails, should be able to easily keep course in high winds also

Solutions against wave sloshing in the cockpit (it takes longer to bail water out from the stern, therefore the ship is increasingly vulnerable to incoming waves).

Important characteristics of small vessels (from my point of view):

Easy handling

Lesser ship-loading

Not enough room for gear

Slow, therefore voyages are longer and there are more storms

Difficult to notice by other vessels

Stability problems

Capsizing problems

Drawings of Carina:

It turned out during loading, that it will be hard to find anything distributed among so many compartments

In addition access to the more recessed compartments is like the Hanoi tower problem, with many more towers…

Therefore I drew up a sketch of the location of stuff: http//

And the deck stuff’s location can be found at: http//

Interesting curiosities about Carina:

Carina in Space:

Southern Cross (Crux) over Barbados when Aron arrived. Carina is on it also (lower right hand corner):


Laszlo Kapitany sent in:

Carina is already known in the Universe, demonstrated by the enclosed picture and text: (from the March 2007 issue of National Geographic):


(translated by Laszlo Kapitany)

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plachetnice z PET lahví

Příspěvekod pecho » ned bře 21, 2010 1:04 pm

Už prý vyplouvá plachetnice z PET lahví, zdraví Pecho :) ... eanem.html

[mod="Libor"]Pecho díky za aktivitu, ale...
1) toto je téma o jiné lodi
2) málo čteš, už to tu na fóru je (myslím 2x), např. ... pic&t=4170
3) bude to smazáno, nebo přesunuto (což je pracné) :gun: [/mod]
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další plavba s veslicí

Příspěvekod pecho » sob dub 16, 2011 2:04 pm

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Příspěvekod prggino » sob dub 16, 2011 2:55 pm

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Příspěvekod Ozzie » sob dub 16, 2011 7:14 pm

Späť k Liborovej téme: Áron Méder oboplával( zem na plachetnici Carina 19, ale nebol prvým Maďarom ktorému sa to podarilo. V roku 1985-87 to urobili ako prví v Maďarsku Nándor Fa a József Gál na lodi Balaton 31 menon St. Jupat. Ich cesta trvala 715 dní a plávali ťažšiu trasu: Opatija-Gibraltar-Mys Dobrej Nádeje-Austrália-Nový Zéland-Mys Horn-Argentína-Brazília-Gibraltar-Opatija. József Gál oboplával zem ešte raz a Nándor Fa sa zúčastnil solo plavby BOC Challenge v roku 1990-91 s 60 stopovou plachetnicou vlastnej stavby Alba Regia a dostal cenu "Spirit of the BOC Challenge Award". V roku 1992-93 s prestavanou loďou Alba regia sa zúčastnil non stop pretekov Vendé Globe kde ako 5. absolvoval trasu ktorá štartuje a končí v Les Sables ďOlonne. V roku 96-97 Vende Globe opäť úspešne dokončil už druhou plachetnicou Budapest vlastej stavby.
Dnes žije a vyrába lode v Székesfehérváru.

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